Public input and direction

The county conducted a series of community surveys, open houses, stakeholder meetings, and online “virtual” meetings for several specific projects in Proposition A. These studies include:

  • Darden Hill Road Phase 2 (2023)

  • Darden Hill Road Extension (2023)

  • Dripping Springs Southwest Connection (2021-2022)

  • Fitzhugh Road (2024) *

  • Hillside Terrace (2022)

  • Old Kyle Road (2022)

  • RM 12 and RM 150 Intersection (2017)

  • SH 45 Southwest Extension (2023-24)

  • Yarrington Road Segments 1 and 2 (2014-2020) **

  • Windy Hill Road Interim (2021)

* Open house completed after the bond call

** Also studied under the name RM 150 Alignment Project, because it aligns Yarrington Road to the east with RM 150 West